
A 24-year-old father, who has several tattoos all over his body, makes the decision to get them erased for his child

Everyone has moments in life they’re not proud of, decisions they wish they could take back, or things they regret saying. But few have regrets as visible and extreme as those of Ethan ‘ModBoy’ Bramble, an Australian body modification enthusiast who has covered himself with over 200 tattoos.

Body art has become a common form of self-expression in modern times, with unique and intricate tattoos growing in popularity. However, most people have a limit on how far they’ll go when it comes to altering their appearance. For Ethan, that limit was far beyond what most would even consider.

Reports suggest that Ethan was just 11 years old when he started his body modification journey. His first change was stretching his ears, and from there, he underwent a wide range of modifications, including splitting his tongue and removing his belly button. Despite the variety of procedures he’s experienced, it’s his tattoos that draw the most attention. Ethan’s entire body, from head to toe, is covered in ink. In fact, he revealed that he’s spent approximately $60,000 AUD (about $39,000 USD) to achieve his striking look.

Now, Ethan has started to express regret about some of his decisions. In an interview with LadBibleTV’s No Filter series, he opened up about the mixed feelings he has toward his tattoos.

“I guess you could say I regret some tattoos,” Ethan admitted. “But it’s not just regret; there’s a difference between regret and wanting to be perceived differently.”

One of Ethan’s main concerns is how others perceive him, particularly when it comes to everyday tasks like taking his daughter to school. He acknowledged that having tattoos, especially on his face, can lead to judgments and assumptions.

“For some people, the face is a big thing that can lead to a lot of problems, which I probably wouldn’t want my daughter to have to deal with until she’s older,” he explained. “I wish I hadn’t gone as far as I did with my face.”

In an effort to change his appearance, Ethan has been undergoing painful laser surgery to remove some of the tattoos he got when he was younger. The process has been long and difficult, but he remains committed to seeing it through.

“I’ve been getting laser [surgery] for about 12 months now,” he said. “We do it in sections, but I’ve probably gone over the full thing six or seven times.”

Ethan shared that the decision to start removing his tattoos was driven by the anxiety they caused him. He believes that the mental strain he experienced was tied, in part, to having a face full of tattoos.

“I’m happy with the way I look, but I’m also happy knowing that over the next two years, my face tattoos will become less and less. I’m clearing the canvas.”

Ethan’s journey has led to a shift in how he views himself and the way he wants to be perceived by others. While he may still embrace body art, his current focus is on making changes that align with his evolving self-image.

What do you think of Ethan’s transformation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!