Who can forget Maggie and Ralph’s compelling love tale from “The Thorn Birds” miniseries? Fans, prepare to be amazed! We have fascinating information on Richard Chamberlain and Rachel Ward 40 years after the hit miniseries.
Richard Chamberlain, who played Ralph charmingly, won Golden Globes and millions of hearts. He still captivates his faithful admirers at 89 with his magnetism. He left the spotlight 9 years ago, which is hard to believe. His admirers still praise his professionalism and talent.
However, Rachel Ward may be tougher to spot. The Maggie actress has changed over time. However, “The Thorn Birds” stars remain dear to their admirers.
Look at Richard Chamberlain and Rachel Ward now and comment! The impact of this cherished miniseries is evident in their marriage and three children.
What do you think of Richard Chamberlain and Rachel Ward’s evolution? Comment below to tell us!